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Circuit breakers

We all have those days... you know the ones. Where one grumpy moment turns into an hour of bickering, a scuffle between siblings builds and builds, or a teething toddler’s grizzles set the mood for the whole family.

I do believe feelings are meant to be felt, and there’s no harm at all in letting them run their course! But sometimes they can snowball and impact parts of our day which we want to be joyful. Staying at home more than usual at the moment can add to these feelings, and I don’t think I’m alone in wondering sometimes where the “reset” button is!? Well... here are a couple of things I find act as just that! A reset, or ‘circuit breaker’ as I like to call them. 

Just add water

Fill up a bucket of water in the backyard, or run a midday bath and pile all the kids in! Even splashing in a bit of water and bubbles in the kitchen sink. Something about water just seems to break through the cloudiest of moods and turn things around. 

Dance it out 

Pop on your favourite tunes, grab your little ones and have a dance! Jump, shake, spin and boogie. There’s no rules, it can be calming and peaceful or fast and up beat, as long as it’s something that puts a smile on your face and makes you feel GOOD! 

Get moving

If you are able to, get outside for a walk, run or ride. Even if little legs get tired and you end up carrying everyone (and everything!) home, just moving our bodies changing up the environment to see, hear, smell and feel different things can work wonders for our mood and emotions. 

Back to nature

If you can, find a safe patch of dirt or grass and take your shoes off. Simply standing or walking on the earth can really help, as connecting to nature has been proven to have so many benefits including helping us to regulate our emotions and feel more calm. Watching the clouds go by, making mud pies and collecting sticks or flowers are some other ways to enjoy nature throughout your day.

If these ‘circuit breakers’ don’t work in the way you’d hoped, take heart in the fact that each day is a chance to start fresh and tomorrow we can find new moments of joy with our little ones.