Beware - not all musical gifts are created equal!
All in pre-schoolers
Beware - not all musical gifts are created equal!
Kids just love repetition, but adults can get a bit bored by can we keep everyone happy??
Don't procrastinate, crack out the paint! You'll find lots of things around you home to help make it happen.
If you've ever been to one of my preschool music sessions you'll have noticed that I always sing up high.
Herbs are wonderfully fragrant and can turn any meal into a gourmet feast. Read on and be inspired toinclude more herbs in your life!
It's pretty hard to make a decision about food these days. Food companies, the government, celebrity chefs, the latest cafe and health professionals seem to all tell us to do different things! How can we decide what is best for ourselves and our families? To help navigate through these choices and make good decisions about food, it is helpful to take a step back from the actual food and look at setting the scene for healthy eating first
Avoid these common parenting pitfalls and your little singer will blossom before your eyes.
What is one thing that most of us can remember from our childhood? Reading books!
Babies cry, toddlers cry, big kids, teenagers and adults cry... it can be hard to know how to help
Spiders are clever creatures and can build beautifully intricate web structures... perhaps you can too?
For many generations, little fingers and toes have played the roles of pigs, cows, people and train carriages. Here are my five favourite 'wiggles'.
Do we really need the outdoors to grow and function well in WINTER?!! Yes we do! Here are some simple tips to get you started...
Stuck indoors? This activity will make that seem like a good thing!
Stickers are always a staple in my craft box. Here's lots of reasons why...
How do the words our children hear shape them? Is 'good girl' actually a better choice than 'You're a little s&#t!'?
Do we truly need plastic toys... or can the kids have a great time without them?
Slow cooked meals really are for everyone!
Rug up and head out for a walk... there are Autumn treasures to be found
Some people just seem to have the beat in their body - these are the ones that can clap in time at a concert, dance gracefully and always tap their toes or click their fingers along to a tune.How can you help your child develop a strong sense of beat?