Feb 5 Feb 5 Cool paint for hot little fingers Liz McGrath art, colour, creativity, craft, Fine motor skills, Summer, painting When the heat is on, think cool & get crafty
Feb 3 Feb 3 Frozen Flowers and Ice Play Bec Wilson colour, finger play, nature, outdoor play, play, sensory, Summer, water play A fun (and beautiful) way to stay cool while playing outside this summer.
May 24 May 24 The Sounds of Autumn Guest blogger Autumn, babies, family, music, nature, outdoor play, pre-schoolers, song, Spring, Summer, toddlers, Winter Autumn is full of magic music moments! Take your little ones out and explore the sounds of nature.
Feb 8 Feb 8 Curious butterflies Liz McGrath art, colour, construction, creativity, outdoor play, Summer Curious kids & colourful crafts are a perfect combination.