Chop, chop, chippity chop
Make a delicious make-believe soup as you chant this little rhyme. Big kids can pretend to chop on their hand/arm while bubs will enjoy it if you tap on different parts of their body e.g. back, foot, tummy...
Then ask your child what they would like to chop up for the pot but be prepared to be totally grossed out... We often have strawberry, pizza, spider and hair soup!! Eeew yuck!
“Chop, chop, chippity chop
Cut off the bottom and cut off the top
What there is left
We’ll put in the pot
Chop, chop, chippity chop
Then head into the kitchen and chop up some real food while you say the rhyme... kids love helping to cook.
Toddlers might like to:
* Stir
* Scoop ingredients into bowls
* Fetch ingredients and utensils
* Taste!
Preschoolers can:
* Crack eggs
* Count e.g. 2 cups of water, 4 potatoes
* Chop (mushrooms are a good start)
* Make a whole salad
* Juice oranges
* Make sandwiches
* Wash up!
Older kids can:
* Chop trickier vegetables
* Measure ingredients
* Follow a recipe
* Create a whole meal!