WARNING: Christmas is coming

WARNING: Christmas is coming

It's hard to avoid the fact that Christmas is coming. Everywhere you look there are decorations, cards and people shopping.

Find a few moments to escape the Christmas madness and share these musical moments with your little one...

10 little reindeer (a knee bounce)

10 little reindeer all about the town
Some go up and some go down
Some go fast and some go slow
10 little reindeer always on the go!

Three little reindeer - more than enough for MY legs!

Three little reindeer - more than enough for MY legs!

Christmas Pudding (an echo song)

Christmas pudding (Christmas pudding)
Nice and hot (nice and hot)
Pour on the custard (pour on the custard)
Eat it up (eat it up)

A final thought about Christmas...

It is easy to assume that everyone looks forward to and has a fabulous time at Christmas. But I know I'm not alone in finding it a particularly difficult and lonely time of the year... perhaps your kids will be with their dad on Christmas Day, maybe your philosophy around sustainability leaves you horrified at the extravagance and wastage during the festive season, maybe when your family gets together it inevitably ends in arguments and accusations or perhaps this is the first (or 21st) Christmas since a loved one's death.

Spend some time looking after yourself during the festive season - run yourself a bubble bath, read a chapter of a good book or curl up for a nap. And take a moment to think of someone who may be having a difficult time this Christmas - send them a hand-written note, pick a posy of flowers for them or invite them around for a quiet cuppa. You could be the little spark of joy they need!

Snails, snails, everywhere!

Snails, snails, everywhere!

Musical gifts

Musical gifts