Oh oh! Too many toys...

Oh oh! Too many toys...

It would be hard to be totally oblivious to all the messages about lightening our footprint on the planet… chances are you’ve made a commitment to keeping your life simple and as waste-free as possible this year.

But did you realise that by helping out the planet, you’ll also be helping your child?

Kathy Sylva, Professor of Educational Psychology at Oxford University conducted research that shows that your child will actually do better with LESS toys! “Kids with fewer toys whose parents spend more time reading, singing or playing with them surpass those from even more affluent backgrounds.” (read more about her research and other studies that show the importance of toy-free play here)

Oh oh! I had good intentions but STILL we’ve ended up with too many toys…


Has this happened to you? I know it’s happened to me… I thought I was keeping it simple but it’s like the cupboards grow toys when you’re not looking - there’s birthday and Christmas presents, hand-me-downs from cousins and treasures found at the opshop. So what to do about it? Here are a few ideas of how to rectify the balance:

  1. Donate toys to a local charity that supports families in need (Geelong Mums is a wonderful local organisation in our home town but I’m sure you’ll find an organisation close to you with a quick online search).

  2. Hold a garage sale. Kids toys don’t usually fetch big prices but they are popular so it’s a great way to reduce your collection.

  3. Start a ‘present stash’ - visit the ‘present stash’ cupboard next time you have a birthday party rather than popping to the store.

  4. REMEMBER the wonderfully light feeling of a house free from piles of toys and vow to be more thoughtful in future. I love Liz McGrath’s mother’s wisdom… she suggests that the only toys a child needs are “books, blocks, a ball, and one kitchen cupboard full of things they’re allowed to play with”.

It really is a win-win-win situation. Less toys is better for the environment, better for your housekeeping and most importantly - better for your child.

What are you waiting for? Start decluttering today…

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