Small joys - Puddle splashing
CoVID-19 rules might mean you’re confined to your own home for most of the day, your routines are probably disrupted, you might have your kids with you for more of the week and not know what tomorrow will bring. As the adult in the family, it’s up to us to manage not only our own feelings, but to help our children manage theirs. This is a good time to remind ourselves of some simple pleasures. Time to try something new, get your kids doing things you did as a child or just do the same thing you’ve done every day of your kid’s lives so far! We can probably all do with some fun, joyous moments to break up the long, wet, wintery, lockdown days.
Today’s simple joy is all about puddles.
Puddle splashing can be calm and gentle…for some kids, sometimes.
If you’ve never allowed your kids to splash in puddles because it’s too messy and you don’t want their shoes or clothes to get wet…now is your chance to change that.
If you’ve never allowed your kids to splash in puddles and get ridiculously wet, muddy or cold because you’ve been in too much of a hurry…now is your chance to let them try it.
If you love the idea of puddle jumping, but never quite manage to get around to doing it or creating space for your kids to do it…now is your chance!
It doesn’t have to be wild…unless your kids love wild.
It doesn’t have to end in full-body, muddy surrender…unless your kids LOVE getting muddy and don’t do things by halves.
It doesn’t have to take all day…unless it’s generating so much fun, your kids splash for ages.
It doesn’t have to be public. With shops, parks and other communal places closed again, you may have to create this opportunity at home. If you don’t have any naturally-formed puddles, you can always make some.
Make your own puddles.
It doesn’t have to just be jumping, it can be gentle splashing, walking, crawling, rolling or sitting…follow your child’s lead and see what they choose.
Bring some animals, trucks, sticks, leaves or digging tools to the puddle and make up a game.
If you really love the idea of puddles, but just can’t face the mess and mud, why not give your kids a little more time in the bath instead. Make bubbles, get some new cups in there or jump in and bathe with your baby/child/children.
What’s fun for the kids can also be fun for you…so get in that puddle and have a splash too! Jumping, laughing, moving and being together are all such simple things, but they can be so nice to experience, even if only for a moment.