They're amazing!

Aren’t the small children in our life amazing?

At this time of year when you look back at the life of your young child/ren you realise the sheer amount of things they have accomplished. They have grown so much, learnt an incredible amount of new information, and said and done the funniest things. It is hard not to spend all your time thinking about how amazing they are. 

It’s lovely to give yourself a little bit of time at the end of the year to contemplate this. Maybe even to write it down for yourself or for your child to read in the future (totally understandable if you don’t have time for this!) 

Often we are so busy with each day, getting food prepared, washing clothes, existing (!) that we forget how much is being accomplished by these spectacular individuals that we share our life with. 

We also have times when what they are accomplishing is not amazing to us! It might be that they aren’t listening, or they are being rough with their siblings or screaming for what seems like no reason. This can be frustrating, so frustrating - but it can also be developmentally appropriate that they are doing these things - and when we frame it like that and reflect on it, we might be able to see it in a different light, and (maybe later) feel less frustrated! 

A list of what your child might have accomplished this year could be some of those beautiful milestones like first words, commando crawling or walking. Eating their first food, learning to balance, or ride a bike. This takes so much brain and muscle growth to accomplish. 

Your child might have learnt to be gentle with a baby sibling or pet, how to share with a friend or family member. They might have learnt to brush their teeth by themselves, and how to express themselves more clearly, saying, “Yes” or more likely, “No”.  This takes a great deal of cognitive development and generous input from adults around them.

All our children are developing at different rates and doing different things and when we start thinking about all the things they have accomplished in the last year, we can see that each different child really is a marvel, they are genuinely amazing. 

And at this time of year, it might also be nice to give yourself a pat on the back. As someone who has managed to care for, and encourage growth, kindness and curiosity in a small spectacular human being for an entire year, you’re pretty amazing too!

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