Singing and Swimming

Singing and Swimming

For some little ones, it can be very challenging getting them in the pool. There are so many different skills  we are told are important to practice, and I personally want my little one to have positive associations with the water. Here are some songs and games you can try out in the water!

Have fun!

  • Goal: To practise holding the wall and pushing off

    For this one, help your little one hold onto the side of the wall with feet up.
    On BLAST OFF, they can push their legs and bodies against the wall

    Zoom, zoom, zoom, we’re going to the moon
    Zoom, zoom, zoom, we’re going very soon
    If you want to take a trip, climb aboard my rocket ship
    Zoom, zoom, zoom, we’re going very soon
    5….4….3…2…1…BLAST OFF    

  • Goal: To feel comfortable lying on their backs

    For this one, support your little one’s’ head as you move them on their backs along the water. If they are still reluctant, try holding a mirror over their heads to distract them.

    All the fish are swimming in the water
    Swimming in the water, swimming in the water
    All the fish are swimming in the water
    Swim, swim, swim the whole day long

  • Goal: To get used to the water being on different parts of their bodies

    For this one, hold your little one out in front -  facing you. Do little bounces to the beat. Follow the words of the song and move your little one up and down in and out of the water.

    The old grand duke of York
    He had ten thousand men
    He marched them up to the top of the hill
    And he marched them down again

    And when they were up, they were up
    And when they were down, they down
    And when they were only half way up
    They were neither up, nor down.

  • Goal: To get used to going under the water

    This one is a great one to do with friends in a circle. If not, you can walk around while bouncing your little one to the beat.
    All hold hands and walk around the circle as the song is sung.
    On the words ‘Fall down together’, put your child under the water.
    NB: For the first few goes, your child will need a count in to know that they are going under – say Their name, Ready,  GO and the put them under. Once they know the pattern, you can start doing it with the song.

    The leaves are green, the nuts are brown
    They hang so high, they won’t fall down
    Leave them alone ‘til frosty weather
    And they will all fall down together

  • Goal: To gain confidence jumping into the water

    For this one, sing the song as your little one stands or sits on the pool edge (don’t forget Safety Toes!!). On the word BOOM, your little one can jump to your arms.

    Sally go ‘round the sun
    Sally go ‘round the moon
    Sally go ‘round the chimney pot
    Every afternoon BOOM!

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