Ah mud...glorious mud! Does it ever lose it's charm?
All in pre-schoolers
Ah mud...glorious mud! Does it ever lose it's charm?
Watch magic occur when your child whips up a potion or two.
Once upon a time, it was a common sight to see parents bouncing, dandling or dinking babies on their knee to songs and chants that had been passed down through the generations.
Looking for fun and creative ways to get children to eat and enjoy healthy food? What's more fun than making faces?!
Echo songs, ( also called “call and response” songs, since one person “calls” each line and others respond ) are the perfect accompaniment to a whole range of occasions and locations. They are wonderful for driving in the car, singing in the bathtub, snuggling up at bedtime, walking along a quiet street, hiking through the bush, at family gatherings.... the list of possibilities is long.
Let the good times roll! Paint rollers are easy for toddlers to grip and manipulate.
Have you ever noticed that kids' songs can be a little bizarre and sometimes, quite frankly, disturbing?!
Do you remember picking fruit as a kid? Kids love picking things from trees and bushes! What a great way to play outside.
Don't overlook the simple things, they can come in very handy.
Have you ever wondered why some people can sing happy birthday in tune, clap along in time at a concert and dance gracefully, while others can't hold a tune to save themselves, have no sense of beat and dance with two left feet?
You just never know what will happen when you go outside with children!
My family was riding home from the park on Friday night and the kids found a Spotted Dove fledgling that had fallen from its nest. This was how our adventure started!
Don't hide indoors, embrace the summer, and make the kids a cool playspace outside.
This year I intend to clear my stuff: give it away, recycle, fix it and use it, whatever. And I intend to do more, experience more, live more.
Road trips can quickly go pear-shaped and leave everyone tired, cranky and teary. How about breaking up the trip with some echo games?
Kids are often told to stop playing with their food! Well I say...play away.
Summer's here, so get the troops outside for some cool sensory fun.
Upcycling means using ordinary objects to make something extraordinary. Give it a go.
How one man's trash is a creative parent's treasure!
It's been Christmas time in the shops for months, but now that it is December, even I can't deny that Christmas really is just around the corner...
Make a delicious make-believe soup as you chant this little rhyme. Then head into the kitchen to chop some real food...