Sometimes all you need is a nice cup of tea. Whether it’s a real cup, brewed with herbs picked fresh from your garden, or a muddy concoction from your child’s play, a cup of tea can help bring a moment of peace to a busy day.
Sometimes all you need is a nice cup of tea. Whether it’s a real cup, brewed with herbs picked fresh from your garden, or a muddy concoction from your child’s play, a cup of tea can help bring a moment of peace to a busy day.
Whether it’s a 20 second glance or 20 minutes listening to a pile of stories, time spent with a book is never wasted.
The gifts of Autumn can inspire some unique seasonal creativity.
Resilience, teamwork, imagination, and independence are just some of the joys that can be found inside an nature “cubby house” or fort!
Do you spend time and energy each week encouraging your little one to be creative? Perhaps it’s time to lead by example!
Have you heard of “heavy work”? Let me tell what it is and how you can incorporate it into the daily life of your little ones.
How we can create appealing opportunities for busy little hands to touch, grab, poke, pour, twist and squeeze.
Sometimes imaginary play just unfolds, sometimes it needs a spark. Paper pizzas are fun and full of choice.
Sometimes it’s enough to just get through the day. On the other days, try to implement a small change. It can make a BIG difference!
Using loose-parts such as beads, gum nuts, stones and buttons is a great way to bring life to your child’s play time and allows them to turn simple, every day times into absolutely anything they can imagine!
Family rituals are bound to bring moments of comfort, peace and joy into your day and help the little people in your life feel safe, grounded and loved.
Playdough is fun, creative and simple to make. If you haven’t got a fresh batch handy it’s time to whip one up.
Here are 3 more ideas for outdoor play equipment that can be cheap, useful, fun and can be played with over and over and over again.
Christmas presents don’t have to be expensive, nor end up in landfill on Boxing Day. Here are 3 NaturePlay essentials that can be cheap, fun, useful and last a very long time!
Use the magic of nature to inspire your child’s creativity.
There are many reasons to include nature in your Christmas festivities - here are 4 easy, Christmas-themed nature activities to get you started!
Letter shapes offer an easy way to weave learning into creativity.
I’m keen to use my reusable coffee cup again, but in the meantime here are some crafty ideas for any disposable cups you may collect.
It’s a super easy printmaking material for kids, and you probably have some lying around at home.