Rug up baby, Let’s go! 

Rug up baby, Let’s go! 

It’s winter, it’s cold and I’m layering up the warm clothes.

Not everyone loves winter, but I kind of do. 

I love going for a bushwalk without worrying about snakes, sunscreen and all those summery things. 

I feel energised once I get out there and start moving. When I’m inside (as I write this) looking outside at the dark clouds, the almost-drizzle and my toes are already cold, I do not want to go outside!

But going out repeatedly in cold weather has made me appreciate it so much more. That tingling in your hands as they warm up, a flush in your cheeks, and that time in nature that helps you let go of all the ‘frazzle’. 

If you’ve got children, there’s an extra level of having to pick yourself up and prepare for outside play, walks and catch ups. Maybe even an extra level of resilience… and it’s okay to grow that a little bit at a time. 

There’s a few things that can help you get outside, whether it’s the backyard, your driveway, a walk to the op shop, visiting the local park or beach, or heading to a national park. 

  1. First off, that feeling that it will be worth it. It totally will - for all those reasons - mental health, physical activity, sleeping well, de-stressing, time in nature, having fun, the ability to make noise in big spaces, the way it ignites your senses - and more.

  2. Next, being prepared with food and clothes. Which might mean a special hot drink, or warm soup and toast to take with you. It probably means waterproof clothes and shoes, warm clothes, maybe backup clothes/towels/blankets in the back of the car or bottom of the pram. And if you’re a bit like me - maybe you’re a sucker for filling up the hot water bottle and taking it with you.

  3. Perhaps heading somewhere you like yourself (I love to get a sneaky hot drink at the cafe)

  4. Lastly, you could invite some friends! 

(Check out this blog post from Sarah about expectations and equipment for getting outside in the cold/wet weather. I love how she’s mentions sharing it - “everything’s easier with friends.”)

An idea someone once shared with me was about doing a “park-crawl”.

It’s stayed with me and has been such a lifesaver! In the last week of the winter school holidays with all those small children, we’d pack into the car and go from park to park. Some parks we would spend an hour at, some ten minutes. We’d have a snack in the car so that we would be ready to run, jump, make noise, and play when we got to the next park. 

It was new and exciting, it changed up the dynamics of our local, walkable park and it wasn’t just the kids who appreciated this park-crawl (me - I mean me!)

and embracing the weather can be really fun!

Cheery snow folk

Cheery snow folk

DIY Band

DIY Band