Nests are everywhere at the moment! Here are 3 ideas to incorporate “nests” into your family play this week and beyond.
All in play
Nests are everywhere at the moment! Here are 3 ideas to incorporate “nests” into your family play this week and beyond.
An offer of hope for a challenging time.
Super-charge the learning opportunities for your child by following these five simple steps during playtime.
The following blog discusses how play and music can help develop a child’s fine motor skills.
Whether it be indoors or outdoors, with food, mud or paint…creating space for you and your children to make a mess can be a fun, dynamic and satisfying way to spend time…lockdown or not.
A simple activity to play in your own backyard, with whatever you have on hand!
Sometimes all you need is a gentle, mindful task. This one is for all but the youngest members of a family.
Sometimes all you need is a nice cup of tea. Whether it’s a real cup, brewed with herbs picked fresh from your garden, or a muddy concoction from your child’s play, a cup of tea can help bring a moment of peace to a busy day.
Have you heard of “heavy work”? Let me tell what it is and how you can incorporate it into the daily life of your little ones.
How we can create appealing opportunities for busy little hands to touch, grab, poke, pour, twist and squeeze.
Using loose-parts such as beads, gum nuts, stones and buttons is a great way to bring life to your child’s play time and allows them to turn simple, every day times into absolutely anything they can imagine!
Here are 3 more ideas for outdoor play equipment that can be cheap, useful, fun and can be played with over and over and over again.
Christmas presents don’t have to be expensive, nor end up in landfill on Boxing Day. Here are 3 NaturePlay essentials that can be cheap, fun, useful and last a very long time!
What shapes can your family find on an outdoor discovery adventure?
When days feel a bit dull invite some some cuddly friends to a picnic.
Cutting with scissors is an important life-skill. Here’s a summary of the stages your child will pass through as they learn to master a pair of scissors.
Today’s small joy—-puddles! Jump in and you’ll discover that there are endless ways to enjoy a small pool of water…
Toy cars often have a magnetic appeal, but like all forms of play they have big benefits too.